Information on Wills

The Law Society (“LSS”) provides an online service for law practices to broadcast notices or ‘Information on Wills’. The Information on Wills notice will be disseminated to all LSS members on the last Wednesday of each month. Should the last Wednesday fall on a public holiday, the notice will be disseminated the next working day.

Service Details

Law practices who wish to place a notice may submit particulars of the deceased, copy of death certificate and payment method.

It is the sole responsibility of the law practice to ensure accuracy of the information submitted to LSS.

Requests are to be made by the 15th day of each month for the notice to be disseminated on the last Wednesday of the same month (e.g. Submissions by 15 October for notice to be circulated on the last Wednesday of October).

The Cost for Placement

The cost for placement per notice is $109 (inclusive 9% GST) for Singapore Law Practices and $218 (inclusive of 9% GST) for Others.

For enquiries, contact Publications here.

For personal data protection purposes we will publish only the last 4 alphanumeric details of the NRIC and street name of the residential address of the deceased (for Singapore citizens residing in Singapore).