Law Society’s Expedited Adjudication Scheme

Rule 20 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property (Conveyancing) Rules 2011 (‘CLPR’) establishes a Scheme for the adjudication of ‘relevant disputes’ under the CLPR (‘Scheme’)(for a definition of ‘relevant disputes’, see Rule 20(4) of the CLPR). In essence, the Scheme is set up for the expedited resolution of disagreements in respect of the withdrawal of conveyancing money from conveyancing accounts.

The Law Society of Singapore (‘Society’) administers the Scheme [see Rule 20(2) of the CLPR].

The application process for adjudication under the Scheme is as follows:

  • Any party to a relevant dispute may submit the dispute for adjudication under the Scheme [see paragraph 3(1) of the Fourth Schedule (CLPR)].
  • The submitting party must complete the Society’s application form, accompanied by all supporting information, documents and submissions and a deposit of $3,000 for the fees and expenses of the Society and of any adjudicator appointed by the Society to determine the dispute [see paragraph 3(2) of the Fourth Schedule (CLPR)].
  • The Society will appoint an adjudicator from its panel of adjudicators to determine the dispute submitted for adjudication under the Scheme upon receiving the application and deposit of $3000 [paragraph 3(3) of the Fourth Schedule (CLPR)].
  • The Society will notify the parties of the adjudicator’s appointment.

The procedure for adjudication, duties and powers of the adjudicator, binding nature and enforcement of the adjudicator’s determination or order are set out in paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Fourth Schedule (CLPR).

The fees and expenses payable under the Scheme are set out in paragraph 10 of the Fourth Schedule (CLPR).